Looking for the school time table or calendar of events? This is the right page, scroll down for the month at a glance calendar for important school dates. You can also find a list of supplies students need for the school year.
SCHOOL SCHEDULEIf you plan to visit Knox, take note of our regular schedule each day as follows:
8:20 Students/Buses arrive 8:25 First Bell 8:30 Classes Begin 8:50 Period 1 9:32 Period 2 10:14 Recess 10:29 Snack Time 10:44 Period 3 11:26 Period 4 12:08 Lunch 12:22 Recess 12:47 End of Recess 12:52 Quiet Time 1:02 Period 5 1:44 Period 6 2:26 Period 7 3:08 Closing Circle 3:18 Dismissal 3:25 Students/Buses leave |
LINKS & DOWNLOADSBOARD POLICIESSchool Board policies are available to view with a password. Please contact the Knox office if you wish to view these documents.
We have many opportunities at Knox for parents and school supporters to volunteer. We rely on our volunteers to help raise funds for the school and support our many events. Opportunities to use your gifts and abilities at Knox include:
- School Board
- Various committees – Education, Finance, Development, Building & Grounds, Bazaar
- Sports – Coaching, Officiating, Transportation
- Education – Tutoring, Resource Department help, Library help, Classroom help
- Special School Events - Pastor's Day, Major's Breakfast
- Hands-on skills – Carpentry, Landscaping, Plumbing, Painting
- Fundraising Events – Spring Drive, Applefest, TRIP program, Bazaar, Spring Fling, Hot Lunch
- Playground Supervisor
- Reading Friends